Displays, Signs & Printing
Wholesale distributor of industrial and decorative plastic sheets, rods and tubes. Wholesale producer of your unique plastic component parts.
Wholesale distributor of industrial and decorative plastic sheets, rods and tubes. Wholesale producer of your unique plastic component parts.
Call 718-729-6226 or Email Info@e-tplastics.com to reach a Sales Rep or click contact info to find your nearest location

E&T Plastics offers standard manufactured sizes of acrylic sheet. We also can process these to your custom specified size or shape. Our company
offers CNC machining, laser cutting, saw cutting to size, Edge polishing and a variety of additional fabrication methods. Contact us for the professional service you deserve.
Acrylic sheet is the best known and most widely used plastic.
The reasons why are simple.
• Optical Clarity - 92% light transmission makes it clearer than glass.
• Colorfast - Does not yellow after prolonged exposure to sunlight.
• Impact Resistance - 10 times more shatter resistant than glass.
Also available in bullet resistant grade.
• Light Weight - Less than half the weight of glass.
• Easy to Work with - It can be cut, drilled, polished, solvent cemented, thermoformed, painted, silk screened, laminated, the possibilities are endless.
Acrylic Sheet
Clear & Colors
Guage Lb./SF Guage Lb./SF Guage Lb./SF
.060 .35 .236 1.44 1.50 9.0
.090 .52 .375 2.37 2.00 12.0
.100 .57 .500 3.00 2.50 15.0
.118 .70 .750 4.50 3.00 18.0
.177 1.10 1.00 6.00 3.50 21.0
.220 1.35 1.25 7.50 4.00 24.0
6.00 36.0
Ask about our laser cutting & CNC routing capabilities

Acrylic Colors
E & T Plastics stocks the most extensive inventory of acrylic sheet in
the industry. We have global purchasing power and over 60 Years
experience. We offer our customers the widest selection from the
best manufacturers in the world. Our strength is in acrylic sheet.
Here are just a few reasons why:
• Extra large sheets - Some distributors offer only a few sheet sizes.
E&T Plastics offers all sheet sizes in stock-even up to 100” x 150”.
• The Largest Color Selection - in stock.
• Thick Gauge Acrylic - in stock. Clear acrylic up to 6” and Colors up to 1”
White to 2”.
• All Grades in stock- Extruded, Continuous Cast and Cell Cast – in stock.
• Specialty Grades - U.V. filtering, U.V. transmitting, impact modified,
bullet resisting, patterns - in stock.
Acrylic Sheet
Clear & Colors
36 x 48
48 x 72
48 x 84
48 x 96
48 x 120
48 x 144
51 x 100
60 x 96
60 x 120
63 x 100
72 x 96
72 x 120
72 x 144
75 x 100
80 x 120
100 x 100
100 x 125
100 x 150
.030 .040 .060 .080 .100 .118 .177 .220 .354 .472 .704 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.50 3.0 3.50 4.0 6.0
1/32 1/25 1/16 5/64 3/32 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4
Please note -These represent the most commonly stocked items. E&T Plastics often stocks many unique sizes. We can also supply run-to-size and cut-to-size.
Please contact us for all your acrylic needs.
Caring for Acrylic Sheet:
• Store away from direct sunlight or heat. Exposure can make removal of protective masking difficult.
• To Clean Acrylite sheet use a mild soap and water solution. Wipe with a soft cloth.
• Refer to “Caring for Acrylite Sheet” pamphlet.
For Physical Properties, Codes, Standards, and Technical Support, visit www.acrylite.net for immediate access to
frequently asked questions, technical information, fabrication tips, physical properties, from North America’s
leading acrylic sheet manufacturer.

Ivory 1H31 1K031 2146 TL
Orange 2H20 2K020 2119 TL
Red 3M030 2157 TL
Red 3H38 2415 TL
Red 3H32 3K032 2283 TL
Violet 4H21 2287 TL
Red 3H31 3K031 2793 TL
White WT018 3015 O
Red 3C01 3M031 2423 T
White WM23 7508 TL
White WM30 WT030 7328 TL
White WM31 WT031 2447 TL
White WM22 2067 TL
Yellow 1H32 1K032 2016 TL
Yellow 1H30 1K030 2037 TL
Yellow 1C22 2208 T
Pink 3199 TL
Purple WC023 1020 T
Black 9H01 9M001 2025 O
Amber 1C23 2422 T
Black/White 9H04SC 9K004 1124-0 TL
Blue 5H30 5K030 2114 TL
Blue 5H31 5K031 2050 TL
Blue 5H36 5RK36 2051 TL
Blue 5C26 5C026 2069 T
Blue 5C28 5C028 2424 T
Blue 5H50 5K050 2648 TL
Bronze 7C24 7C024 2404 T
Bronze 7C49 7C049 2412 T
Brown 8H22 2418 O
Bronze 8C30 8C030 2370 T
Grey 7C25 7C025 2064 T
Grey-Battleship 7H21 5040 O
Grey-Extruded 7C026 2074 T
Green 6H22 6K022 2108 TL
Green 6H21 6K021 2030 TL
Green Edge 6F20 6B020 3030 T
Green Bottle 6C32 6C032 2111 T
Green 6C28 6C028 2092 T

One of the reasons acrylic sheet is so popular is that it is available in stunning colors
and the color runs throughout the sheet. After colored acrylic is cut or shaped, its
edges can be polished to a high gloss to match the surface of the sheet.
We feature standard colors that are opaque, translucent and transparent. Opaque
colors allow no light to pass through. Translucent items allow varying amounts of light
transmission. Transparent colors allow you to see through their color.
Custom Colors: Available in almost any color you can imagine. Order as few as 15
sheets and choose from Pantone colors, other identification service or supply a color
swatch you’d like to match. Select from transparent, translucent or opaque colors and
specify texture- glossy, matte and more! Since custom colors are made to order be
prepared to wait for colors to be matched, approved and produced.
We can laser cut this item!
New Cyro
Cast #
Click on a color for a digital sample
New Cyro
Extruded #
Color #
New Cyro
Cast #
New Cyro
Extruded #
Color #
Acrylic Color Reference Chart
Cell Cast Acrylic Sheet
Most acrylic sheet is manufactured by either extrusion or cell casting. Cell cast
is produced by pouring a liquid monomer into a cell and then placing the cell
in an autoclave. The benefits to cell casting are small minimums and a higher
molecular weight. This method results in slightly better chemical resistance,
heat resistance and clarity. The disadvantage to cell cast is that thickness
tolerance within a sheet can vary more than other methods. Extruded sheets
are produced by pushing the acrylic resin through a rectangular die that gives
the sheet its shape. Extruded sheets are usually less expensive and offer the
user less fluctuation in thickness across the sheet. Feel free to discuss your
application with an E & T Plastics professional. We’ll help you select the right
product for your unique application.
Cast Acrylic Thickness Tolerance
Coloring and translucency will change slightly based on thickness
FG=Furniture Grade BR=Bullet Resistant
Cast tolerances are determined by sheet size. Larger sheets have greater variance across a sheet and smaller sheets
will hold a tighter tolerance. We have assigned class 1, 2 and 3 to differentiate sheet sizes.
Class 1 Sheet Sizes: 36 x 60, 40 x 50, 48 x 96 Sheets .236” & thinner.
Class 2 Sheet Sizes: 2 larger than size 1, including 48 x 84, 53 x 80, 60 x 72, 48 x 96. Sheets .250” & thicker
Class 3 Sheet Sizes: 3 larger than size 3.
Specialty Acrylic Items